Masterplan Painting



About Us

Interior Painting
High quality interior painting involves more than simply slapping down a coat of paint; it requires close attention to detail and a skilled, professional hand. Interior painting really is an art form, and in the Marin County area there’s nobody who knows that better than Masterplan Painting.

Exterior Painting
It’s surprising what a fresh coat of paint can do for the outside appearance of a home. Depending on the color that is used, a home’s general look can be made more sophisticated and elegant, more charming and welcoming – or anywhere in between. Everyone has their own unique style, and the exterior painting that they select for their home can easily reflect that. By selecting the services of a professional exterior painting company like Masterplan Painting, you can ensure that the outside of your home equals or surpasses all of your expectations.

Commercial Painting
The way a business presents itself to the world is incredibly important. When a company doesn’t take care to make their premises attractive and neat looking, their customers are bound to form poor opinions; it’s simply human nature. A simple paint job can truly work wonders for the appearance of a company; employing a professional commercial painting services company can make all of the difference in the world.

Wood Preserving
One of the most common areas that will make your home look dated and worn is the woodwork. What seems inconspicuous while surrounding doors, windows, and baseboards are really a focal point that draws attention: How they draw attention can make or break a room.


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Rep/Contact Info

Mike Ross