2025 Marin Builders Association Crab Fest is Most Successful of All Time!

On behalf of the Marin Builders Association Board of Directors, the Event Committee, and our Staff, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to our event sponsors, our Cornerstone Partnersour auction donors, and our guests, for their generous support of our 2025 Annual Crab Fest!

We hosted the event at the elegant Bill and Adele Jonas Center. The entire evening was a fabulous success, which would not have been possible without everyone's generous participation and support. Special thanks to Khadija Hansia-Gibson and her dedicated team at Limelight Productions for helping us organize and host the event and to Stacy Scott and The Art of Good Taste team for catering the delicious meal featuring fresh local cracked crab from Costarella Seafood!

To view the Photo Gallery use the password MBA2025

As always, a significant portion of the proceeds of this popular event will go to our Scholarship and Workforce Training Fund.  Established in 1978, our Scholarship Fund has been providing scholarships to Marin County students pursuing their education for over 40 years. In 2017 we expanded our reach, and with your help, have supported the training and placement of over 150 individuals through our impactful construction training programs.

Together, we are significantly impacting our community.

Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for everyone's participation, support of our programs, and connection to the association and we hope to see all of you again next year!

SAVE THE DATE for our first Member Morning of 2025 on Thursday, March 20th, 8:30-9:30am at our office. Click here for details and how to RSVP!