Earlier in July 2024, the New York Times published an article highlighting the collaboration of researchers at the Insurance Institute of Business & Home Safety (IBHS) and insurance agencies, who are grappling with escalating losses due to the magnitude of wildfires across the West. The research emphasizes the role of a home's design features to withstand wildfire by focusing on key areas of home ignition risk: near-home landscaping, and the building’s materials and design often referred to as home hardening.
The cancellation of insurance coverage destabilizes homeowners, but it signifies a paradigm shift toward safer, more wildfire resilient communities. By negotiating coverage for compliant new builds and retrofitting existing structures, this movement aims to ensure that future homes are better prepared to withstand the increasing threat of wildfires.
The IBHS plays a crucial role by conducting research that guides insurance and industry leaders on constructing homes resilient to wildfires, informing many of California’s building codes. Fire Safe Marin has a close partnership with IBHS and will host their first public home burn demonstration at the 3rd annual Ember Stomp, September 7th. The highly anticipated burn demonstration will provide a side by side comparison of how home hardening measures help mitigate risk of home ignition. Other attractions include a fires smart landscaping exhibit, historic Marin fire simulator, vendors showcasing innovative wildfire safety products and services, as well as children's activities and family entertainment. Marin Builders Members and their families are encouraged to join this engaging day of science, education and community, as we work together towards a wildfire-adapted Marin.